Say hello to Shokunin, the vibrant and delightful coffee roastery from Rotterdam, the Netherlands! We're delighted to welcome them back to April’s box, sharing their dedication to sustainability and transparency with you. Get ready for some extraordinary coffees in this month’s box. Enjoy!
Churupampa, washed coffee from Peru
Intango, washed coffee from Rwanda
Katana, washed coffee from DR Congo
Included in all boxes
Origin: Peru
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1,600 – 1,900 m.a.s.l.
Varieties: Typica, Caturra, Pache
Tasting notes: Rich sweetness like caramelized apple. Heavy body like dark chocolate.
Churupampa is not just a farm, it is a social business model which the Tocto family is expanding around the town of Chirinos, Peru. It already includes over 30 farms and every lot is cupped; last year this included over 4,000 samples. With a communal mindset and organic and Fair Trade certifications, this approach fits perfectly within the Shokunin mindset. Their innovative processing and independent quality control lab ensure the high quality that the specialty market is seeking.
Included in our 2x250g and Tasting box
Origin: Rwanda
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1,500 – 2,000 m.a.s.l.
Varieties: Red Bourbon
Tasting notes: Juicy sweetness like pineapple and strawberries. Silky body like hazelnut and black tea.
Intango is a small washing station on the edge of Lake Kivu, Rwanda. Once part of a cooperative that won the 2014 Rwanda Cup of Excellence, it became run down as the cooperative dissolved. However, in 2018, Gilbert Gatali and his best friend Gervais decided to fulfill their dreams by taking over Intango and running their own specialty coffee washing station. Gilbert is on the board of directors of the Africa Fine Coffee Association and won the Most Notable Producer Sprudgee award in 2012.
And exclusively for our Tasting box subscribers we also sent…
Origin: DR Congo
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1,400 – 1,800 m.a.s.l.
Varieties: Typica, Bourbon
Tasting notes: Juicy sweetness like lemon and grapefruit. Medium body like black tea.
At the heart of Katana, DR Congo, lies the innovative RAEK cooperative that has transformed coffee production with cutting-edge washing stations and eco-friendly practices. Despite the challenges of operating in eastern Congo, RAEK's dedication to quality and ethical practices has attracted a growing number of farmers. Guided by the passion of lifelong coffee farmer and agronomist Désiré Zagabe, RAEK's washed coffees exhibit beautifully bright flavors of tropical and stone fruits in a light body, providing a truly exceptional cup.
Explore our next roaster! Sign up for May’s box