In this box we’re happy to share coffees from Black, a roaster located in beautiful Bratislava, Slovakia. With great diversity, we hope you’ll like these tasty coffees. Let’s hear what Black has to say about this month’s coffees.
Ethiopian Telila, roasted by black.
Origin: Ethiopia
Process: Fully washed
Altitude: 2100 MASL
Varieties: Heirloom
Tasting notes: Green tea, lemon & apricot
The Telila processing station in the Lima region is run by Ethiopian-American Mike Mamo, who took over the company from his father, who founded it 65 years ago. He works with more than 50 independent farms from the Tokuma group in Agaro. All cherries are varieties 74210 and 74212 from an altitude of about 1800-2200 MASL. Water is provided by a nearby river through canals. At the end of the process, the coffee is soaked once more in soaking tanks and dried on traditional bamboo raised beds in direct sunlight.
Origin: Colombia
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1750-2100 MASL
Producer: La Victoria
Varieties: Caturra
Tasting notes: Pear, orange zest & dried cranberry
La Victoria is a cooperative from the Huila region. The story of La Victoria is a story of rediscovery. Coffee farmers, who have been cut off from the international market due to war and chaos, are now able to make themselves known again through this association. The diversity of coffee in Colombia is huge and coffee is harvested almost all year round, depending on the region. We are constantly fascinated by coffees from this country, as the basic sweet taste is enriched with unique fruity and complex tones.
Origin: El Salvador
Process: Fully washed
Altitude: 1315-1480 MASL
Producer: Joaquin Palomo
Varieties: Red Icatu
Tasting notes: Peach, cherry liquor & grapefruit
Joaquin Palomo bought the Las Barreras farm just a few years ago, but has decades of expertise in coffee growing. Finca Barreras is located on the volcano of San Salvador, in the Bálsamo-Quezaltepec area, where various ancient cultural traditions are still preserved. The Red Icatu variety produces more cherries and is also resistant to coffee diseases. During processing, it is fermented for 24 hours and dried for 14 days in direct sunlight.
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